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professional Kanun and Ancient Iranian Harps player

  • Website: anitaharatimusic.com
  • email: anitaharatimusic@gmail.com
  • City: Tehran,Iran
  • profession: player,Composer,Sound engineer
  • Freelance: Available
  • Birthday: 19 April 1997

Anita Harati was born on April 19, 1997- Tehran,Iran. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Food Industrial Engineering. She began her musical journey in late 2001, starting with the Xylophone and then started learning flute. Around 2004, she started learning the tombak (one of the most famous Iranian percussions) and received professional instruction from renowned teachers such as Samaneh Golkar and Kamran Montazeri. In 2007, Anita began playing the piano and further enhanced her skills under the guidance of Hamidreza Dibazar, Reza Shadab, and Sina Kheirabadi. From early 2009, Anita chose the Kanun as her primary instrument and studied the Iranian qanun playing techniques and Iranian music repertoire extensively with Rabeh Zand and Maleiheh Saeedi. She also familiarized herself with Armenian, Arab, and Turkish music styles to a limited extent. In 2014, Anita embarked on learning ancient Iranian stringed instruments such as Barbat-e-Jam-e- Arjan (Argan), Narsina, and Napirasu, which were revived and performed by Rabeh Zand. During this time, she specialized in music theory and solfège under the guidance of Rabeh Zand, Hamidreza Dibazar, and Arman Norozi. She gained knowledge in harmony, counterpoint, and orchestration to some extent in preparation for the entrance exams of a Master's degree in composition. Since 2013, Anita has been teaching introductory courses on the Piano and tombak, and from 2016, she has been teaching qanun under the supervision of Zand, starting from beginner to advanced levels. She has actively taught in various institutions, schools, the Rabeh music Academy and some high level institutes in Tehran. Since 2016, Anita has been a member of various groups and orchestras, performing as a Kanun player in numerous concerts both in Iran and abroad. Some of the notable groups include Ronak, Golha Orchestra, Avaye Parsian, Havir, and women's ensembles, among others.


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Professional Kanun player

professional Ancient Iranian Harps that they reconstructed from ancient inscriptions

composer and arranger of musical pieces

sound engineer in music studios as a microphones setup technician and sound recorder

sound engineer in live performances as amicrophones setup technician and sound recorder

work as a music teacher since 2016

writer of musical sheets by Sibelius


bachelor of Food industrial engineering

Education certificates

earned a high-ranking degree in studio sound recording from the Iran Technical and Vocational Training Organizaton (www.irantvto.ir)

earned a high-ranking degree in live sound recording from the Iran Technical and Vocational Training Organizaton (www.irantvto.ir)

received a certificate for completing the music teaching methodology course, accredited by the Iran music Associacion and the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance (www.farhang.gov.ir-www.iranianmusicianunion.com)

awarded a certificate of appreciation for the best group performance at the Iraq Festival of Culture

Professional Experience

-Participation in Ranya Music Festival

-Official membership card in the Music Guild Association

-Artistic passport from FIM France (among the selected 60 Iranian artists by this company)

-Insurance from the Music Industry Credit Fund under the supervision of the Music Guild Association

-Performing on the violin in the live program of JamJam network for the night of Yalda in 2019 accompanied by the Avaye Parsian group

-Participation in the Sound Electronics Workshop at Tehran Technical Complex by instructor Aidin Olfat

-Playing the "Siraab Shodam" piece by Aidin Olfat

-Rearranging and playing the "talatom/Unrest" piece by Rabeh Zand, selected as one of the top 10 videos of 2021 by Music Records USA and successful distribution through music platforms and networks

-Arranging, recording, and official release of various pieces for Iranian ancient instruments such as "Taam-e Shirin Khiyal/Sweetness of dreams" by Daalband group and "Man Fadaye Ghamat" by Faridoun Farahani

-Composition for a joint piece of Kanun and beatbox (selected at the Beatbox Festival in Brazil)

-Excellent certificate from Professional Technical Institute for Studio Sound Recording (trained at Persian Sound City Institute - courses in sound and acoustics fundamentals, working with Cubase software, analog and digital electronic systems, microphone

placement and studio sound recording by instructors Aidin Olfat, Ahmad Pazooki, and Faraz taali)

-Certificate in live sound recording from Persian Sound City Institute and Technical and Vocational Organization

-Assisting in sound recording sessions with Aidin Olfat and Reza Asadpour at Persian Sound City Institute

-Arranging various Iranian and classical pieces for the Iranian Kanun (more than 100 pieces)

-Composition for Iranian ancient instruments and the Kanun

-Performance at the opening of the painting and calligraphy exhibition

-Performance at the opening of the "Rabeh" Kanun Academy

-Assisting Rabeh Zand in arranging and preparing lesson plans for teaching children's Kanun and child’s harp

-Assisting Rabeh Zand in music composition, arrangement, and lesson plan preparation for teaching Iranian ancient instruments

-Assisting Rabeh Zand in arranging special pieces for the Kanun

-Assisting Rabeah Zand in final approval of “Raha” brands instruments and tuning them

-Attended a course on music notation using Sibelius software

-Official certificate in music teaching methods from the 48th Scientific Applied University and the Music Guild Association of Iran

-Invitation and scholarship from SAE Dubai Audio Engineering School (unable to attend due to the COVID-19 pandemic)

-Portrait photography project with Mohammad Khodadadash and others

-Received training and a gold certificate in the Modern Teaching Methods and Psychology of Education course from the 48th Scientific Applied University and the Music Guild Association of Iran

-Received an 80% scholarship from Gnesin University in Moscow for sound engineering

-Acceptance from the University of California, Berkeley for a bachelor's degree in music production

-playing Kanun and Napirasou (one of the ancient Iranian harps-Related to 5100 years ago in Iran) in musical theater, called “Nowhere”

-playing Kanun and Arjan (one of the Ancient Iranian Harps- related to 3600 years ago in Iran) in musical theatre, called Majnoone An Leily



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  • Ancient Iranian Harps


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